The photos will show the beauty of sunset within cliffs of hills as viewed from the riverbank of Koel besides the Ispat College campus at Rourkela.
I am unable to fix phots what it earlier used to be as I didn't keep any photo of the scenes say about 10 years back. I just rue it on the ruins and the devastations done by the greedy promoters in excavating sands and particularly removing the gothic stones used to be strewn within the shallow river of heavy current. No doubt that added a magnificient picturesque appearance in the natural beauty there.
Further devastation is done by the state Govt. itself by erecting high tension lines and its supporting poles within the riverbed. True, modernisation and power is needed, but that at the cost of denudng and reducing the natural beauty to a shamble is simply a vandalism. Noted writer Budhadev Guha, I don't know will ever be able to write new episodes of romanticism & valour in a nice blend like before, if he just revisits the place in search of new themes.