Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yeaterday when I was returning from my work, I saw a langur-kid electrocuted and the body already lying beside an electric pole. Some persons has made a joke or perhaps a ritual for the last rights of the baby monkey by garlanding the body and placing burning incense-sticks. The most curious thing was an empty earthen bowl ostensibly placed for collection of donations as few coins were already present there. I dinn't find anybody guarding the episode, nor found anyone in the act of flinging coins. I just wondered is the donation meant for performing the last rights as per Hindu customs or for sasiating greed of some chance seekers?
Besides there was no sign of the mother monkey or the heard of the langurs, which is usually the common scene with a crying and lamenting mother. The langurs are most social in behaviour and the mothers are very much affectionate to the childrens like us the humans and the angry male guardian always guards the folk.
Though the sight at the first hand much aghast, still for finding no exact answer it prompted me to register here in my first blog, with the loss of a photograph, I really miss it as I didn't have my camera with me.